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The use of Celebrex in patients with severe hepatic impairment is not recommended see Warnings and Precautions 5.
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The recommended dose of Celebrex is 400 mg initially, followed by an additional 200 mg dose if needed on the first day.
Patients with known CV disease or risk factors for CV disease may be at greater risk.
These events can occur at any time during use and without warning symptoms.
For the management of the signs and symptoms of AS, the recommended dose of Celebrex is 200 mg daily in single once per day or divided twice per day doses.
These doses can be given without regard to timing of meals.
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Physicians and patients should remain alert for the development of such events, even in the absence of previous CV symptoms.
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For patients 10 kg to 25 kg the recommended dose is 50 mg twice daily.
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Severe anaphylactoid reactions to NSAIDs, some of them fatal, have been reported in such patients see Warnings and Precautions 5.
This risk may increase with duration of use.
Capsules: 50 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg and 400 mg In patients with known hypersensitivity to celecoxib, aspirin, or other NSAIDs.