It’s possible that a 3rd party ad made it through for an exploit or something else happened. If you have any other evidence I can certainly remove it but I’d rather give them the benefit of the doubt. It does look like it runs actual tests and provides a useful service (instead of a link farm or other malware target page).
I have never had any problem with them, neither my antivirus, antispyware or browser told me that this site is untrustable. They gave me some good results instead
Per my recent post (Google Chrome Browser Speed) - - you will find that the Web Browser has little to do with the performance of most Enterprise) applications.
Same Link as above using McAfee URL Shortener (For the more cautious link clickers):
How Can i test the Load if the 1000 user strikes on particular site by using the webpage test tool . How i come to know the application Load time to load particular page please help me
I’ve been using HyperSpin recently to time DNS lookups and connections. Their own site is a bit unstable at times (based in Singapore), but the data collected from their 16 monitoring stations worldwide looks good. Prices are reasonable, and a free trial period is included.
May I suggest the one we are working on, a free tool : : Simulated browser, multiple locations - Performance/Quality check (using YSlow, Page Speed and W3C validators)
Hi Patrick:
No vendor has ever done this before , so worth a mention.
Dotcom-Monitor now provides free real browser with scripts monitoring for logins, web applications etc…from worldwide locations.
I’d like to suggest a load testing tool we are working on: Jellly : It’s based on JMeter and it is a complete SaaS solution, from virtual user design to test reports.
A free version is available to simulate 50 users for one hour.