I’ve been out of this field for quite some time. I was quite happy back in the day building out the wptmonitor product to run alongside the great work happening with WebPagetest.
My impression before I had to leave, seemed to me that the demand/desire for the features provided by wptmonitor was a bit low.
I want to drop a line to determine if there is sufficient demand/desire for the product to warrant firing back up the old coding machines.
For more information about the product, please take a look http://www.wptmonitor.org/
If there is a need to bring this product back please let me know.
I always enjoy working with Mr Meenan.
Woot! Welcome back!
It might be worth taking a look at sitespeed.io. It has WPT integration and is what most people turn to when looking to trend WPT tests these days. Maybe combine efforts and fill any gaps?
Hi Tony
I needed it so much some years ago that I created a fork of wptMonitor : GitHub - jpvincent/WPT-server: Fork of the WebPageTest private instance server, with more options
I’m most of the time webperf consultant and was happy to install it for 2-3 clients.
The fork is because I had to modify the code to have it run on newer versions of PHP, 3 years ago, and I added a hook in the WPT tests results for people who would like to send any data WPT gather to the visualization system of their choice.
Currently for my clients I send them tests results to Splunk or Graphite.
It’s perfect to program tests, a bit less for visualization, and I’m not using alerting but my clients tend to use the alerting system of their visualization solutions.
I was pretty happy with it once I dig into it, but I will test sitespeed.io for a client because they have nice graphes, and already provide dashboard with advanced functionalities like monitoring the 3rd parties, graph the Google Analytics RUM measures and even provide a server image to be the RUM endpoint.
But it does not look like sitespeed.io does have the level of UI you made for the Jobs / Scripts part … This is probably the biggest plus of wptMonitor for me, that + hackability.
Hey Patrick. I’ll check out sitespeed. At first scan it looks quite interesting.
Jean-pierre, I’m glad it helped out in it’s day.
I’ve been around the tech industry for … well… a few decades, so I know how things progress and kinda expected that wptmonitor’s opportunity had passed.
My current role in IT has been more focused around devops, docker, cloud, insert buzz words here…
I really enjoyed working in front end performance and will try to drop by more often just in case I might be able to contribute again.
Good hearing from you guys. Hope all is well.
Hi Tony,
we used your wptmonitor for automation and visualization for several years. Thanks a lot for development and maintenance then. By now we developed a new application, in parts with a similar use case: OpenSpeedMonitor. In 2014 we published it under Apache 2.0 licence. Sources of OpenSpeedMonitor can be found on github. It’s a Grails aplication based on Groovy language. We would love to win new developers if you would like to participate 
Here you can find a demo instance with some example measurements document complete times. Jobs and measurement scripts can be administrated with a comfortable code editor in the browser. We also patched WebPagetest server to produce one result per measured step from multistep scripts. If you click on the data points in the graphs you can see the results of these multistep tests. At the moment we are working on integrating that functionality into central code base.
We could offer you demo credentials for OpenSpeedMonitor if you would like to evaluate it or just want to setup some example measurements. In addition to visualization of raw WebPagetest results OpenSpeedMonitor translates measured times in percentages of users who would be satisfied with these load times. All the percentages of the measurements of different pages with different browsers and so on can be aggregated to a customer satisfaction index (csi) of the whole web application under test.
Here you see this sort of aggregated csi for the e-commerce applications with the highest turnover in germany.
Here you can see and configure the translation and weighting of all the measurements as part of the calculation of csi.
Regards, Nils
Just discovered another project that programs simply and graph projects.
Less advanced for programming tests than WPTMonitor but very easy to deploy and good enough for visualization
Hi @asperkins and @pmeenan
I’m just giving a feedback about sitespeed.io that could interest you, now that I fully deployed it : it would be the perfect complement to WPT Monitor, as it goes really deeper in the visualization field, and because it’s all configurable if you know grafana, so you can extract and graph far more from a WPT test than just the basic metrics.
However the scheduling is almost absent : to program tests, you just use the cron and CLI and JSON files …
I miss the scheduling UI of WPT Monitor :
- separate scheduling and connection parameters, per job
- scripts allowed to use WPT scripting or simple URls
- folders to re-arrange jobs and script
- notes, with the time markers that can appear on the graphes
- filmstrip comparison, pause the jobs, WPT queue status
WPT Monitor lacks maybe a refresh on the UI side and a Docker image for easy deploy and setup. I feel there is still a need but I did not yet gave a chance to the projects quoted above in this thread (they seem to lack either WPT scripts either filmstrip comparison or WPT queue status). So I will probably continue to use it but I will modify it for it to drive sitespeed.io.
Tony, what are your plans after all ?