Chrome and firefox help

So I cant seem to get things working for Chrome and firefox . I think its my location and labeling thats mixed up, not sure. I could be missing something in the instructions too.

Alright here we go, if I understand correctly ( 50/50 chance here - your prob thinking less :wink: ) to get Chrome and Firefox to work in need to do the following.

Chrome and Firefox Setup

  1. Configure the test system to automatically log-on to an administrator account. Running “control userpasswords2” from the start menu is one way to configure it.
  2. Disable any screen savers (the desktop needs to remain visible for the video capture to work)
  3. Disable UAC (Vista or later - slide to “never notify”)
  4. Uninstall IE Enhanced-Security Mode (Windows Server)
  5. Copy the test software from the agent folder to the system (to “c:\webpagetest” for this example)
  6. Install the DUMMYNET ipfw driver
    o Pull up the properties for the Network Adapter that is used to access the Internet
    o Click “Install”
    o Select “Service” and click “Add”
    o Click “Have Disk” and navigate to c:\webpagetest\dummynet
    o Select the ipfw+dummynet service (and click through any warnings about the driver being unsigned)
  7. Create a shortcut to c:\webpagetest\dummynet\ipfw.cmd in the startup folder
  8. Create a shortcut to c:\webpagetest\urlblast.exe in the startup folder
  9. Make a copy of the settings file (urlblast.ini) based on the sample
    o Give it the path to the server (default configuration points to a server on the local machine)
    o Configure the location to match the location defined on the server in locations.ini (if modified)
    o Configure the location key to match the server in locations.ini (if modified)
    o Add “Use Current Account=1” to urlblast.ini [color=#FF0000]<-is that the chrome frame in a nut shell?[/color]
  10. Chrome testing can be configured to run on the same machine as Internet Explorer (tests will not run at the same time, they will alternate)
  11. Install Chrome
  12. Create a shortcut to c:\webpagetest\wptdriver.exe in the startup folder
  13. Make a copy of the settings file (wptdriver.ini) based on the sample
    o Make sure the path to the Chrome executable is correct for your system
    o Configure the location to match the location defined on the server in locations.ini
    o Configure the location key to match the server in locations.ini
    o Copy the sample chrome extension directory to somewhere like c:\webpagetest and change the options flag to reflect the new location
  14. Reboot to make sure everything starts up correctly

Is that right?

If someone was nice :smiley: They could show me their IE, Chrome and Firefox setup (locations.ini,wptdriver.ini,urlBlast.ini) :smiley: This would help a lot. The samples are just not enough for me.

Chrome/Firefox is steps 11-13. If you mail me your current versions I can take a look. The samples are working configurations but may not make enough sense when you go to edit it.

So I could just do steps 11-13 for Chrome/Firefox to work? no need to do steps 1-10?

Sorry, 8 and 9 are the IE-specific steps. Everything before step 8 is basic machine configuration that is needed by both.


url=[color=#FF0000]/work[/color] <had put work here
key=my key

exe=““C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe””
options=‘–load-extension=“%WPTDIR%\extension” --user-data-dir=“%PROFILE%” --new-window --no-proxy-server --no-first-run --no-default-browser-check --enable-experimental-extension-apis’

exe=“C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe”
options=‘-profile “%PROFILE%” -no-remote’

Hmm, are you not running WebPagetest at the root? /work should be automatically appended and things get kind of screwy in general if WebPagetest is not running at the root of a vhost.

I am running WebPagetest at the root
Url Files Url= < i have this in my urlBlast.ini
url=http://www.mydomain/ < i have this in my wptdriver.ini (thats why i had /work I thought it needed it)

Yeah, sorry - we took the opportunity to clean things up a bit with the configuration on the new codebase but it made it a bit inconsistent.