Empty 'Test Location' despite starting agent

  1. I seek to setup wpt server and agent locally (on same machine) - ubuntu box
  2. I have setup wpt server over apache and am able to see wpt private instance home screen on hitting local url ‘http://wpt/
  3. The problem is that ‘Test Location’ drop-down remains empty despite many attempts to get the config right and starting the agent. Config details below - looking for pointers of where I’m going wrong.


My locations.ini (located at /var/www/html/wpt/www/settings/locations.ini) is as below. I restarted apache server after putting in the following details:


label="Local Browsers"


I’m trying to start my agent as below:

python wptagent.py -vvvv --server http://wpt/work/ --location LocalPageTest

The output on command line on starting wptagent.py is as below:

python wptagent.py -vvvv --server http://wpt/work/ --location LocalPageTest
12:05:26.136 - Detected Browsers:
12:05:26.136 - Chrome: /opt/google/chrome/chrome
12:05:26.136 - Firefox: /usr/lib/firefox/firefox
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Python 2.7.12
Modern traceroute for Linux, version 2.0.21
Copyright (c) 2008  Dmitry Butskoy,   License: GPL v2 or any later
12:05:26.335 - Display: :0
12:05:26.335 - sudo chmod -R 777 ~/.config/configstore/
12:05:26.342 - Waiting for Idle...
12:05:28.362 - Default interface: wlp2s0
RTNETLINK answers: File exists
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
Running agent, hit Ctrl+C to exit
12:05:28.436 - Starting extension server on port 8888
12:05:28.439 - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
12:05:28.440 - /ping
12:05:28.440 - 200 GET /ping ( 0.57ms
12:05:28.440 - "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 4
12:05:28.442 - Starting CPU benchmark
12:05:29.541 - CPU Benchmark elapsed time: 1.099, multiplier: 0.910
12:05:29.541 - Checking for work: http://wpt/work/getwork.php?f=json&shards=1&location=LocalPageTest&pc=mlptp&version=17.12&freedisk=790.942&upminutes=164
12:05:29.542 - Starting new HTTP connection (1): wpt
12:05:59.552 - http://wpt:80 "GET /work/getwork.php?f=json&shards=1&location=LocalPageTest&pc=mlptp&version=17.12&freedisk=790.942&upminutes=164 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
12:06:04.563 - Checking for work: http://wpt/work/getwork.php?f=json&shards=1&location=LocalPageTest&pc=mlptp&version=17.12&freedisk=790.942&upminutes=165
12:06:04.567 - Resetting dropped connection: wpt
12:06:34.573 - http://wpt:80 "GET /work/getwork.php?f=json&shards=1&location=LocalPageTest&pc=mlptp&version=17.12&freedisk=790.942&upminutes=165 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
12:06:39.582 - Checking for work: http://wpt/work/getwork.php?f=json&shards=1&location=LocalPageTest&pc=mlptp&version=17.12&freedisk=790.941&upminutes=165
12:06:39.587 - Resetting dropped connection: wpt

Requesting to please point me to where I may be going wrong with the above config.

I’m having the same problem and I’m about to pull all my beard off trying to get it to work. The only difference is that I’m running the docker containers for both server and agent on an ubuntu host, but same locations.ini file.

May i ask, did you solve this problem?
I’m having same problem when starting agent。

“Resetting dropped connection: localhost”

18:06:47.338 - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
18:06:47.348 - 200 GET /ping ( 5.00ms
18:06:47.348 - "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 4
18:06:47.355 - Starting CPU benchmark
18:06:48.168 - CPU Benchmark elapsed time: 0.813, multiplier: 1.230
18:06:48.171 - Checking for work: http://localhost:8080/work/getwork.php?f=json&shards=1&reboot=1&location=Test&pc=DESKTOP-DQ2N1Q7&version=201030.081023&screenwidth=1920&screenheight=1080&freedisk=731.658&upminutes=90        
18:06:48.177 - Starting new HTTP connection (1): localhost:8080
18:06:48.250 - http://localhost:8080 "GET /work/getwork.php?f=json&shards=1&reboot=1&location=Test&pc=DESKTOP-DQ2N1Q7&version=201030.081023&screenwidth=1920&screenheight=1080&freedisk=731.658&upminutes=90 HTTP/1.1" 200 0     
18:06:53.263 - Checking for work: http://localhost:8080/work/getwork.php?f=json&shards=1&reboot=1&location=Test&pc=DESKTOP-DQ2N1Q7&version=201030.081023&screenwidth=1920&screenheight=1080&freedisk=731.658&upminutes=90        
18:06:53.267 - Resetting dropped connection: localhost
18:06:53.299 - http://localhost:8080 "GET /work/getwork.php?f=json&shards=1&reboot=1&location=Test&pc=DESKTOP-DQ2N1Q7&version=201030.081023&screenwidth=1920&screenheight=1080&freedisk=731.658&upminutes=90 HTTP/1.1" 200 0     
18:06:58.312 - Checking for work: http://localhost:8080/work/getwork.php?f=json&shards=1&reboot=1&location=Test&pc=DESKTOP-DQ2N1Q7&version=201030.081023&screenwidth=1920&screenheight=1080&freedisk=731.658&upminutes=90        
18:06:58.315 - Resetting dropped connection: localhost