Error code 405 while running the script


Below is the webpagetest script

navigate https://test-url //step1: navigating to home page
clickAndWait class=whitespace-nowrap text-sm //step2: clicking signin modal
execAndWait document.querySelector(‘#username’).value =‘username’ //step3: entering username to username text field
execAndWait document.querySelector(‘#password’).value =‘Password’ //step4: entering password to password text field
clickAndWait id=signinbtn // step5: clicking signin button

When I run this script, for Step1 it is navigating to home page and getting the response. But from step2 to step5 webpagetest is blocking the request and getting 405 error/status code

Below screenshot for reference

Any suggestion on above failure would be of great help.

Hello There,

Could you help us with a sample test run?



Please see the below screenshots.

Hello Archana,

We would need to investigate this further. I suggest you to log a ticket with Support (


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