Errors in PageTest

I’m trying to use the plugin version of PageTest on a fresh install of windows XP running IE7. I have disabled all other plugins. When I open the pagestats window and open a new page ( or, I don’t see a waterfall, and I see this error in the Optimization report.

Any ideas?

Results for ‘/home.php’:

Error loading page: 99997 (0x0001869D)
Page load time: 0.000 seconds
Time to first byte: 0.000 seconds
Time to Start Render: 0.000 seconds
Time to Document Complete: 0.000 seconds
Time to Fully Loaded: 5461.464 seconds
Bytes sent out: 0.000 KB
Bytes received: 0.000 KB
DNS Lookups: 0
Connections: 0
Requests: 0
OK Requests: 0
Redirects: 0
Not Modified: 0
Not Found: 0
Other: 0

Also, is it possible to check out the latest version of the source from SVN? Where is the repository?

The SVN repository is here:

You need Visual Studio 2008 with the latest service pack to build it - if you build the debug configuration it will spew a bunch of trace information that you can capture with DebugView (DebugView - Windows Sysinternals | Microsoft Docs). If you have any problems let me know and I can work with you on it. If you want me to look over a trace file just shoot it to me at

One thing to try might be to set about:blank to your home page and then open Pagetest immediately after launching the browser but before navigating to any pages. I think there’s a case where if you do some browsing before opening it you might not get the results (has to do with some just-in-time hooking changes I made recently). This may not be the problem you are seeing but it’s worth being aware of.



Thanks for the quick reply. Setting my homepage to about blank solved the problem!

Thanks. It was one of those things that after I implemented I started to get a nagging feeling that it might cause some grief in some cases so I’ll probably go and undo the JIT hooking for the next release.


hi Pat,

I tried the same things, i am using IE 7.0 and have set my start page as about:blank and started the AOL Page Test (that opened in a new window),

but as soon as i typed in the URL , it gave me an error “Cannot find server” with the following details in the AOL Page Test window

Optimization Report : 01/04/10 at 10:12:20

Results for ‘http://bfsukdcwctst:5151/’:

Error loading page: -2146697213 (0x800C0003)
Page load time: 1205757.239 seconds
Time to first byte: 0.000 seconds
Time to Start Render: 1205757.552 seconds
Time to Document Complete: 1205757.239 seconds
Time to Fully Loaded: 1205757.239 seconds
Bytes sent out: 0.000 KB
Bytes received: 0.000 KB
DNS Lookups: 0
Connections: 0
Requests: 0
OK Requests: 0
Redirects: 0
Not Modified: 0
Not Found: 0
Other: 0

Enable browser caching of static assets:
No appropriate resources present

Use one CDN for all static assets:
No appropriate resources present

Combine static CSS and JS files:
No appropriate resources present

GZIP encode all appropriate text assets (text responses > 1400 bytes):
No appropriate resources present

Compress Images:
No appropriate resources present

Use persistent connections (keep alive):
No appropriate resources present

Proper cookie usage:
No appropriate resources present

Minify JS:
No appropriate resources present

No ETag headers (ETag headers should generally not be used unless you have an explicit reason to need them):
No appropriate resources present

JQuery Selectors not descended from an ID:
No problems found

hi pat,

i tried the same steps, i am using IE 6.0 and windows server 2003 on my staging environment.

i am testing my intranet on the staging environment.
It gave me an error in the browser “cannot find server”

it gave me an error in the AOL Page test windows. please find the attached error document.

please help.

hi Pat,

I used the same steps defined, it gave me an error cannot find server.
