From webpagetest, the web page response time for my web application Login page from Shanghai, China location is around 72 sec, where as with the other performance tools for the same webpage from the same location it is showing around 22 sec. Did not understand why there is a huge difference in page response time when using webpagetest tool?
Please help me to understand.
Do you have a link to the test result? Is that to load the whole page or is it just the response time for the html (both are pretty scary). If it’s the full page then there’s a good chance that the difference comes down to the traffic shaping that WebPagetest (usually) applies to better emulate an end-user’s ISP connection.
Here is the link for webpage test results which is showing page response time 72 sec.
Below are the reports from dotcom-monitor and performance-test.compuware which is showing 22 sec to load the page.
Attached is the dotcom-monitor tool PDF report.