Is my cache working?

I have two fairly busy wordpress sites with lots of small images on bluehost.
I activated the “Quick Cache” and according to the comments it placed at the bottom of the html it is working. However, the “Cache static content” stat here still reports an “F”. Isn’t that what caching software is supposed to fix?

The sites are and

Any tips are very welcome.

Thanks, Ron

Sorry, not sure what the “Quick Cache” is but it doesn’t look like it is enabling end-user browser caching of your static resources:

If I had to guess I would say it was a server-side cache to serve pages faster (just the base page)

It looks like “Quick Cache”[1] is a way to write out WordPress pages as static files on the server. This is probably a great server-side optimization but it does not help with client-side caching.


[1] Quick Cache (Speed Without Compromise) – WordPress plugin |

Yes i am totally agree with you…