I have set up new WebPage test server instance via the AMI available on AWS with auto scaling EC2. However, I have been facing problems such as the tests stopping midway, waiting for the next iteration, new tests being queued, even if there are no tests in queue.
This is only resolved when the older EC2 Agent Instances are cleared and a new one is set up. Also, ec2 logs show that the server is trying to boot up new machines (but is unable to do so as max limit for each location is 1 by default)
Also, nginx logs show that the agents are trying to get work from the server so the agents are alive and healthy I guess.
Here are the appropriate logs:
[quote]09:15:11 - Launching m3.medium ami ami-4a84a220 in us-east-1 for us-east-1,us-east-1_IE11 with user data: wpt_server= wpt_loc=us-east-1,us-east-1_IE11
09:15:12 - Instance i-03a08f68283b7b6b2 started: m3.medium ami ami-4a84a220 in us-east-1 for us-east-1,us-east-1_IE11 with user data: wpt_server= wpt_loc=us-east-1,us-east-1_IE11
09:20:15 - Error: Listing running EC2 instances: Request limit exceeded.
09:40:16 - Error: Listing running EC2 instances: Request limit exceeded.[/quote]
Test Logs:
[quote]Test log
2017/09/04 09:11:44 - Test Created
2017/09/04 09:20:35 - Starting test (initiated by tester i-03a08f68283b7b6b2)
2017/09/04 09:20:35 - Run 1 assigned to i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:21:26 - Test Run Complete. Run: 1, Cached: 0, Done: , Tester: i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:21:26 - Extracting 71441 byte uploaded file ‘/tmp/phpHN2jvT’ to ‘./results/17/09/04/ZG/2’
2017/09/04 09:21:26 - Done Processing. Run: 1, Cached: 0, Done: , Tester: i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:22:04 - Test Run Complete. Run: 1, Cached: 1, Done: 1, Tester: i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:22:04 - Marked shard 1 as complete: {“1”:true}
2017/09/04 09:22:04 - Extracting 42916 byte uploaded file ‘/tmp/phpzie5D2’ to ‘./results/17/09/04/ZG/2’
2017/09/04 09:22:04 - Done Processing. Run: 1, Cached: 1, Done: , Tester: i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:22:04 - Run 2 assigned to i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:22:51 - Test Run Complete. Run: 2, Cached: 0, Done: , Tester: i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:22:51 - Extracting 66721 byte uploaded file ‘/tmp/php9DrbER’ to ‘./results/17/09/04/ZG/2’
2017/09/04 09:22:51 - Done Processing. Run: 2, Cached: 0, Done: , Tester: i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:23:27 - Test Run Complete. Run: 2, Cached: 1, Done: 1, Tester: i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:23:27 - Marked shard 2 as complete: {“1”:true,“2”:true}
2017/09/04 09:23:27 - Extracting 42913 byte uploaded file ‘/tmp/phpU4ltPg’ to ‘./results/17/09/04/ZG/2’
2017/09/04 09:23:27 - Done Processing. Run: 2, Cached: 1, Done: , Tester: i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:23:27 - Run 3 assigned to i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:24:15 - Test Run Complete. Run: 3, Cached: 0, Done: , Tester: i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:24:15 - Extracting 67297 byte uploaded file ‘/tmp/phpkYRVVg’ to ‘./results/17/09/04/ZG/2’
2017/09/04 09:24:16 - Done Processing. Run: 3, Cached: 0, Done: , Tester: i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:24:54 - Test Run Complete. Run: 3, Cached: 1, Done: 1, Tester: i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:24:54 - Marked shard 3 as complete: {“1”:true,“2”:true,“3”:true}
2017/09/04 09:24:54 - Extracting 43532 byte uploaded file ‘/tmp/phpGnmBEi’ to ‘./results/17/09/04/ZG/2’
2017/09/04 09:24:54 - Done Processing. Run: 3, Cached: 1, Done: , Tester: i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:24:54 - Run 4 assigned to i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:25:43 - Test Run Complete. Run: 4, Cached: 0, Done: , Tester: i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:25:43 - Extracting 66573 byte uploaded file ‘/tmp/phpvnikHo’ to ‘./results/17/09/04/ZG/2’
2017/09/04 09:25:43 - Done Processing. Run: 4, Cached: 0, Done: , Tester: i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:26:21 - Test Run Complete. Run: 4, Cached: 1, Done: 1, Tester: i-03a08f68283b7b6b2
2017/09/04 09:26:21 - Marked shard 4 as complete: {“1”:true,“2”:true,“3”:true,“4”:true}
2017/09/04 09:26:21 - Extracting 42909 byte uploaded file ‘/tmp/php7RmwC6’ to ‘./results/17/09/04/ZG/2’
2017/09/04 09:26:21 - Done Processing. Run: 4, Cached: 1, Done: , Tester: i-03a08f68283b7b6b2[/quote]
Nginx access logs
[quote] - - [04/Sep/2017:09:36:07 +0000] “GET /work/getwork.php?shards=1&reboot=1&location=us-east-1,us-east-1_IE11&screenwidth=1280&screenheight=1024&winver=6.1&winserver=1&is64bit=1&software=wpt&version= HTTP/1.1” 200 5 “-” “WebPagetest Driver” - - [04/Sep/2017:09:36:14 +0000] “GET /work/getwork.php?shards=1&reboot=1&location=us-east-1,us-east-1_IE11&screenwidth=1280&screenheight=1024&winver=6.1&winserver=1&is64bit=1&software=wpt&version= HTTP/1.1” 200 5 “-” “WebPagetest Driver” - - [04/Sep/2017:09:36:18 +0000] “GET /work/getwork.php?shards=1&reboot=1&location=us-east-1,us-east-1_IE11&screenwidth=1280&screenheight=1024&winver=6.1&winserver=1&is64bit=1&software=wpt&version= HTTP/1.1” 200 5 “-” “WebPagetest Driver” - - [04/Sep/2017:09:36:21 +0000] “GET /work/getwork.php?shards=1&reboot=1&location=us-east-1,us-east-1_IE11&screenwidth=1280&screenheight=1024&winver=6.1&winserver=1&is64bit=1&software=wpt&version= HTTP/1.1” 200 5 “-” “WebPagetest Driver” - - [04/Sep/2017:09:36:26 +0000] “GET /work/getwork.php?shards=1&reboot=1&location=us-east-1,us-east-1_IE11&screenwidth=1280&screenheight=1024&winver=6.1&winserver=1&is64bit=1&software=wpt&version= HTTP/1.1” 200 5 “-” “WebPagetest Driver” - - [04/Sep/2017:09:36:29 +0000] “GET /work/getwork.php?shards=1&reboot=1&location=us-east-1,us-east-1_IE11&screenwidth=1280&screenheight=1024&winver=6.1&winserver=1&is64bit=1&software=wpt&version= HTTP/1.1” 200 5 “-” “WebPagetest Driver” - - [04/Sep/2017:09:36:31 +0000] “GET /work/getwork.php?shards=1&reboot=1&location=us-east-1,us-east-1_IE11&screenwidth=1280&screenheight=1024&winver=6.1&winserver=1&is64bit=1&software=wpt&version= HTTP/1.1” 200 5 “-” “WebPagetest Driver” - - [04/Sep/2017:09:36:36 +0000] “GET /work/getwork.php?shards=1&reboot=1&location=us-east-1,us-east-1_IE11&screenwidth=1280&screenheight=1024&winver=6.1&winserver=1&is64bit=1&software=wpt&version= HTTP/1.1” 200 5 “-” “WebPagetest Driver” - - [04/Sep/2017:09:36:42 +0000] “GET /work/getwork.php?shards=1&reboot=1&location=us-east-1,us-east-1_IE11&screenwidth=1280&screenheight=1024&winver=6.1&winserver=1&is64bit=1&software=wpt&version= HTTP/1.1” 200 5 “-” “WebPagetest Driver” - - [04/Sep/2017:09:36:48 +0000] “GET /work/getwork.php?shards=1&reboot=1&location=us-east-1,us-east-1_IE11&screenwidth=1280&screenheight=1024&winver=6.1&winserver=1&is64bit=1&software=wpt&version= HTTP/1.1” 200 5 “-” “WebPagetest Driver” - - [04/Sep/2017:09:36:55 +0000] “GET /work/getwork.php?shards=1&reboot=1&location=us-east-1,us-east-1_IE11&screenwidth=1280&screenheight=1024&winver=6.1&winserver=1&is64bit=1&software=wpt&version= HTTP/1.1” 200 5 “-” “WebPagetest Driver”[/quote]