I acquired an API key which allows me to test with the public test location in Dulles, VA.
Is it possible for me to add more public test locations to my private instance? How? Thanks!
I acquired an API key which allows me to test with the public test location in Dulles, VA.
Is it possible for me to add more public test locations to my private instance? How? Thanks!
Hey there - the API key that you most likely acquired is for you to use the public webpagetest.org instance. If you have a private instance then you don’t need an API key, and can set up whatever locations you’d like to use. See how to define locations on a private instance
webpagetest.org have test locations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, etc.
I want to have these test locations in my private instance. Is that possible? Can I add locations I do not own? If I can I will need to update my locations.ini file. What exactly to put there?
Yes, you can have those test locations for your private instance if you spin them up and point them to your private instance. You would have to ‘own’ these agents. The website I linked to before has all the docs needed to walk you through this.
I guess I just can’t explain it well enough. Let me try with pictures.
This is part of my locations.ini file related to the public test location in Dulles:
This works fine with my private instance. The tests are proxied to a remote webpagetest instance and then the results are downloaded to my local server. I do not own the test agent in Dulles. I am just using it and I have a relay key for it.
What I want to do is to add another “remote” configuration for a webpagetest instance in Denver, Colorado:
I know it exists because I can use it from webpagetest.org. For convenience I just want to add this test location to my private instance. How do I do that?
I am not sure how the Denver section in my locations.ini should look like. I guess
what do I use for
I guess I was looking for this:
Adding Public Locations to a Private WebPageTest Instance
The only problem is that the browser is not always specified for a given location.
The list of location ID’s that you can use to relay are Here: WebPageTest - Location Status
For all of the EC2 locations, the browsers available are “Chrome,Firefox,IE 11” (and technically Safari but I wouldn’t recommend using that anymore since it is the ancient Windows version).