Private Instance: Issue not completing test

Hi all,
I installed the private instance according to the docs - but am having trouble with a test actually completing. All I get is:

Waiting behind 2 other tests...

but it never actually advanced past that. I have changed the .sample files as noted in the docs - and other than that, the only other mod I have done is substitute the ShowSlow beacon URL to a private install I have of that.

I believe I might be getting mixed up on is:

There are several settings files in the settings folder that can be used to configure the site.  Make a copy of all of the .sample files (removing the .sample extension) as a template for your configuration settings.  Most of the settings can be used as-is with the exception of locations.ini (particularly if you are configuring more than one test location).

Is there something specific I should be changing on here? I’m trying to use this on a Mac (with Firefox) if that makes… any difference at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!