settings -> archive_days=3

I need to understand:

I have configured my settings.ini in this way:




I expected to find only the last 3 days in:

and the previous days in:

but is not so.

my goal is to keep the data of the last N archive_days and discarding the oldest in order to maintain the disk usage.
archive_days is the same value that I use to keep data in my summary db table for displaying graphics … by click on the point on the graph you can see the WebPagetest page for the single test id.

Thanks for your help

Hi, now I tell you how I resolved:
I did a simple php script that run daily in crontab and deletes the oldest results/subdirectories of a number of days taken from db,
I take the script below for those who would think it useful
[]I left all the “echo” for displaying the operation on a page but they can be deleted
]Be careful with the “IP_autorizzato” function

crontab configuration may be the following:
5 0 * * * wget -qO- http://myurl/tools/myscript.php &> /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1

Comments and suggestions are welcome

date_default_timezone_set (‘UTC’);

class data_calc {

public $dbh;
public $realtime_days;

public $ultima_data = array();
public $oggi = array();

function __construct() {
	if (is_file('../common/dbconn.ini')) {
		$dbini_array=parse_ini_file('../common/dbconn.ini', true);
		$this->dbh = new PDO("pgsql: dbname=".$dbname."; host=".$dbhost."; port=5432", $dbuser, $dbpassword);

		$query = $this->dbh->prepare("
			select value as realtime_days from webpagetest.settings where setting='realtime_days'


		$result = $query->fetchAll();

		$this->realtime_days = $result[0]['realtime_days'];

	} else {
		throw new Exception('errore apertura dbconn.ini');

	$this->oggi = new DateTime();
	$this->ultima_data = new DateTime();
	$this->ultima_data->sub(new DateInterval('P'.$this->realtime_days.'D'));

	echo $this->oggi->format('y-m-d').'<br>';
	echo $this->ultima_data->format('y-m-d').'<br>';		

function delete_failed_buffer() {

	$query = $this->dbh->prepare("
	  delete from webpagetest.result_failed_buffer WHERE created_at::date < current_date -
	  (select value from webpagetest.settings where setting='realtime_days')::INTEGER 


function if_dir_giorno_old($anno_dir, $mese_dir, $giorno_dir) {
	$data_x = new DateTime();
	if ($data_x < $this->ultima_data) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;

function if_dir_mese_old($anno_dir, $mese_dir) {
	$data_x = new DateTime();

	if (intval($mese_dir)==12) {
	} else {

	date_sub($data_x,date_interval_create_from_date_string("1 day"));

	echo $data_x->format('Y-m-d').' ';
	if ($data_x < $this->ultima_data) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;

function if_dir_anno_old($anno_dir) {
	$data_x = new DateTime();
	date_sub($data_x,date_interval_create_from_date_string("1 day"));

	echo $data_x->format('Y-m-d').' ';
	if ($data_x < $this->ultima_data) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;


class cleaner {

public $auth_ip;
public $root_dir = '/store/webpagetest/doc_root/results';
public $calc_data;

function __construct() {
	if (is_file('clockrun.ini')) {
		$clockrun_ini_array=parse_ini_file('clockrun.ini', true);

		$this->calc_data = new data_calc();
	} else {
		throw new Exception('errore apertura clockrun.ini');

function IP_autorizzato() {
	if ($ip==$this->auth_ip) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;

function delete_dir_giorno ($anno, $mese, $giorno) {
	echo 'delete dir:'.$anno.'/'.$mese.'/'.$giorno.'<br>';
	echo shell_exec('nohup rm -rf '.$this->root_dir.'/'.$anno.'/'.$mese.'/'.$giorno.' >/dev/null 2>&1 &').'<br>';

function scan_dir_giorni($anno, $mese) {
	echo 'scan dir: '.$anno.'/'.$mese.'<br>';
	$giorni = scandir($this->root_dir.'/'.$anno.'/'.$mese);
	foreach ($giorni as $giorno) {
		if (strlen($giorno)==2) {
			if ($giorno<>'..') {
				echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$giorno.' - ';
				if ($this->calc_data->if_dir_giorno_old($anno, $mese, $giorno)) {
					$this->delete_dir_giorno($anno, $mese, $giorno);
				} else {
					echo 'ok<br>';
			} else {
				echo '..<br>';
		} else {
			echo $giorno.'<br>';

function delete_dir_mese($anno,$mese) {
	echo 'delete dir:'.$anno.'/'.$mese.'<br>';
	echo shell_exec('nohup rm -rf '.$this->root_dir.'/'.$anno.'/'.$mese.' >/dev/null 2>&1 &').'<br>';

function scan_dir_mesi($anno) {
	echo 'scan dir: '.$anno.'<br>';
	$mesi = scandir($this->root_dir.'/'.$anno);
	foreach ($mesi as $mese) {
		if (strlen($mese)==2) {
			if ($mese<>'..') {
				echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$mese.' - ';
				if ($this->calc_data->if_dir_mese_old($anno, $mese)) {
				} else {
			} else {
				echo '..<br>';
		} else {
			echo $mese.'<br>';

function delete_dir_anno($anno) {
	echo 'delete dir:'.$anno.'<br>';
	echo shell_exec('nohup rm -rf '.$this->root_dir.'/'.$anno.' >/dev/null 2>&1 &').'<br>';


function scan_dir_anni() {
	echo 'scan dir: /RESULTS<br>';
	$anni = scandir($this->root_dir);
		foreach($anni as $anno) {
			if (strlen($anno)==2) {
				if ($anno<>'..') {
					echo $anno.' - ';
					if ($this->calc_data->if_dir_anno_old($anno)) {
					} else {
				} else {
					echo '..<br>';
			} else {
				echo $anno.'<br>';

function scan_dir_video() {
	echo 'scan dir: /RESULTS/VIDEO<br>';
	$anni = scandir($this->root_dir);
		foreach($anni as $anno) {
			if (strlen($anno)==2) {
				if ($anno<>'..') {
					echo $anno.' - ';
					if ($this->calc_data->if_dir_anno_old($anno)) {
					} else {
				} else {
					echo '..<br>';
			} else {
				echo $anno.'<br>';

function free_disk_space() {


body { font-family: "Courier New", Courier, "Lucida Sans Typewriter", "Lucida Typewriter", monospace; padding-left:50px; font-size:12px; } <?php try { $clear = new cleaner; // legge clockrun.ini + connect db if ($clear->IP_autorizzato()) { $clear->free_disk_space(); } else { echo 'cancellazione disco non autorizzata da questo ip: '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } } catch (Exception $e) { $r=fopen('spazio_disco.log','a+'); $ErrMsg = 'Errore: '.$e->getMessage()."\n"; fwrite($r,$ErrMsg); fclose($r); } unset($clear); ?> [/php]