--shaper none option does not work

Was trying to use the “–shaper none” option when starting my Dockerized agent, but getting an error:

docker run -d -vvv -p 4001:80 --network=“host” --shaper none -e “SERVER_URL=http://localhost:4000/work/” -e “LOCATION=Test” webpagetest/agent

unknown flag: --shaper

Am I missing anything?


Hi Tim!

–shaper is a parameter of wptagent, not of docker, so it should be added to the EXTRA_ARGS environment variable inside the docker -e option, so it gets passed to wptagent at startup. For example:

docker run -d -vvv -p 4001:80 --network="host" -e "SERVER_URL=http://localhost:4000/work/" -e "LOCATION=Test" -e "EXTRA_ARGS=--shaper none" webpagetest/agent

I hope that it helps!

Thanks very much, that worked.
