Hi my name is Alex , i recently built a website which is very slow for no reason ! I tried all the things to improve his speed ! On gtmetrix is ok , but in real life is not ! When i test it with webpagetest iβm getting this report https://www.webpagetest.org/result/160927_0W_Q4/ , the loading speed is about 17 seconds which is a bit high , actually very high
! I spoke already with 2 different developers but they told me that everything is ok with the website ! Do you have any ideas ? I would appreciate any help ! Thank You
I am Konstantin with www.goivvy.com
first glance - you have lots and lots of small images on the page. Are you sure they are all needed?
I see swatch images - try combining them into sprites.
I see big jpegs taking 0.7s to download - try optimizing them with jpegtran software of similar.
http://www.abcsports.co.uk/media/js/e7a4d3167e7d4ca98c0d20be0aceddcb.js - content download 1.7s! try minifying js/css and sign up for CDN.
first byte - 0.8s
magento can do better, use varnish or full page cache to lower TTFB down to 0.3s
remove render-blocking CSS/JS from your page - that would lower start render time which is over 4s.
+1 with Konstantin, you canβt put 200 images on your home (with a lot of small ones), try to removes some, combine (sprite) some, font some.
remove blocking js from header
combine 2 css in the header
speed up your hosting server, too slow
First of all, check your products, cache, extensions, If there are useless products or extensions then remove them and also Clear the cache. Check your server side, If its working fine and up/downtime is not ok then contact your hosting providers. I am using cloudways Magento hosting and it works well, Store is loading in seconds and very easy to manage things on clicks. You can check their 3 days free trial.
Installing process could be very fast with Cloudways managed Magento hosting, You should try their 3 days free trial and run cache for your store.