This stylesheet is being called much later in the render process, after the other JS files and stylesheets have been downloaded, parsed and executed. When the new CSS is included, browser has to rebuild the CSSOM and it takes time.
Can you try to move this stylesheet to head and then check if the performance improves?
I think you are looking at the wrong view, because my question has to do with the repeat view (WebPageTest Test - WebPageTest Details), which has the CSS file cached already. The only requests are for the html and analytics-script.
So in this case, removing CSS wouldn’t change anything right?
From the look of the “CPU Utilization”, it looks like at the machine is loading and parsing your scripts and CSS. Hence the long gap.
If you see the chart for CPU and bandwidth, you will notice that no network requests were made. However, the CPU is flat at 100%. This would indicate that it is doing the heavy lifting of parsing stylesheets, JS files and building the DOM tree or decoding and rendering images.