I have a first view load time of 106 seconds and and 25 sec for repeat view. http://www.webpagetest.org/result/120806_EV_MEC/
It is obvious that there is something deeply wrong with my blog. Can someone tell me 3 (or 5) things I can tell my developer to do to speed up the site? Its on wordpress.
Holy cow, I don’t even know where to start. 579 requests and 2.7MB before it timed out.
Looking at the content type breakdown ( http://www.webpagetest.org/result/120806_EV_MEC/1/breakdown/ ) it looks like 185 HTML responses which usually means you have a crapton of iframes on the page. Start by trying to disable the social sharing buttons inside of each post. If I had to guess I would guess that the way they are implemented is in such a way as to repeat all of the embedding for each and every one of the articles. It also looks like you may have a TON of analytics firing.
Basically, figure out what all of the domains in the connection view belong to chango.com, media6degrees.com, pro-market.net, exelator.com, etc and figure out why there are SO many requests for each of them.
It’s a little scary that the cert revocation list from Verisign is 850KB just by itself - http://www.webpagetest.org/result/120806_EV_MEC/1/details/#request294
Thank you Patrick. I showed your response to my developer. she made some changes and now the first view is down to 30 sec and repeat to 19 sec.
We are also analyzing using yslow and it is giving us some good points to work on.
Our target is to bring both first and repeat view load times to under 10 seconds.