My big problem is the Time to First byte.
i have an dedicated server and a joomla 3 site.
After migration von j1.5 to j3 i had these problems and can’t solved it, also not with help from the community:
Yes, the TTFB-problem startet after migrationv on J1.5 to J3.
In J1.5 my page had much more modules and plugins, but the TTFB was good (i think < 0,5sec)
i actually dont know, where the problem is, maybe server-configuration or database-performance problem…
No not really, TTFB was much better, although i had more modules and plugins on my old site (before upgrade) running. so i dont know why my site is now so slowly…
i tried another thing: with Firebug in Settings i deactivated javascript and load my site and i see on the waterfall also a TTFB over 1 second. So the javascript files are not the reason. and all images come from the cache.
the only load 1 html-file and not more. and ttfb is 1,8 seconds.
i absolutely dont know where the problem is… :((