"Timed out waiting for the browser to start"

I’ve tried to run a test numerous times - tried a couple of different URLS from my site - but each time I get the following issue, “Timed out waiting for the browser to start”

Any idea how I get round this ?


Which test location? That’s a new message that was just added yesterday and it sounds like one of the test locations isn’t working well with the agent changes.

Sao Paulo, Chicago, Tokio, all three display that error message for me. http://www.webpagetest.org/result/140311_4K_fefc184e346957a96c8dd3ed6b400dd3/

Thanks for the report and sorry about that. Should be fixed now: http://www.webpagetest.org/result/140313_HP_a053d4db0c387b6704f67a33d8f861bc/

Same for me again… i run about 150 test each day but since couple of days i get around 4 “Timed out waiting for the browser to start” tests per day…

Sample test-ids:


Is there someone else with same prob?

Looks like 4 of the 40 VMs were running high error rates (90+%, normal is 2-5%). Both of the failed tests were on the VMs with error issues. I just rebooted them and will keep an eye on them to make sure the rates come back down to normal.

Thank you :slight_smile:

@ Patrick,

We are facing the time out issue for FF and Chrome in our private webpage instance, IE works fine. can you please suggest on this.