Unable to run Script thru runtest.php

How to pass multiple script commands to runtest.php:

http://localhost://runtest.php?script=navigate http://www.walmart.com

[Not Working]
http://localhost://runtest.php?script=navigate http://www.walmart.com navigate help.walmart.com

Please help.

You need to urlencode the entire script, including tabs and new-lines (each navigate commad needs to be on a separate line).

The correct urlencoded script would look like this: navigate%09http%3A%2F%2Fwww.walmart.com%0Anavigate%09help.walmart.com


I have a very basic question. How to run a script file through webpagetest? I dont have desktop version of webpagetest?

Go to the advanced settings in the UI, open the script tab and paste whatever script you want to run into the UI.