W3C User Timing Support

First, thanks Patrick for the inclusion of this within the 2.12 release.

Second, my search skills are failing today.

I’m looking for confirmation that the User Timing API is supported by current versions of the top 4 browsers (Chrome/FF/IE/Safari).

Can anyone comment on this?

Thank you,

I believe only Chrome and IE have user-timing built-in, but it’s a trivial polyfill for any browser: Support routine for adding W3C user timing events to a site. Includes some basic polyfill support for browsers that don't support user timing or navigation timing (though the start time for non-navigation timing support could be improved with IE < 9 to use IE's custom start event). · GitHub

WPT will report it regardless if it is built-in or polyfilled.

Thank you, Patrick!


I have tried this with a private instance setup but I am seeing that webpagetest is only able to pick up marks for the main page but not any marks emitted on embedded pages (ex. iframes).

Is this a known bug?