Hi! I apologize if I just missed something, but after hunting around for information enough time I’m embarrassed to admit exactly how long, I’m still not sure what the problem is.
I’ve got a WPT server set up without any troubles [relevant ini files pasted at the bottom], or at least as far as I can tell I am able to hit the getwork.php? file manually and view any jobs created.
I am having trouble setting up a WPT test client, though. I’m running Windows Server 2008 [32-bit], hosted on EC2. I’m not using the provided images because, frankly, I’m curious and wanted to learn more about the system I followed the instructions on the Private Instances wiki page as best I could [skipping DummyNet]. In theory, it should be set up to run IE9.
Currently, URLBlast does start running, but nothing seems to happen. Checking the jobs folder on the server shows there is a job waiting to be picked up, but the test client never reaches out to it. No requests are made at all [verified by checking the httpd logs on the server]. Any information as to what could be holding things up would be amazing. On the client side, I’m really not even sure if I’m putting files in the right locations in the first place @_@ I’m more of a UNIX than a Windows guy Thanks!
= locations.ini
[font=Courier] 1 [locations]
2 1=ec2-ca
3 default=ec2-ca
5 ; Physical Locations
6 [ec2-ca]
7 1=ec2-ca-ie9
8 label=Northern CA, USA
9 lat=34.057552
10 lng=-118.240585
11 key=937845099
13 ; The individual configurations
14 [ec2-ca-ie9]
15 browser=IE 9
16 connection=LAN
17 label=“Northern CA - IE 9”
18 localDir=/var/www/html/work/jobs/ec2-ca
19 key=937845099[/font]
= connectivity.ini
[font=Courier] 1 [LAN]
2 label=“LAN”
3 bwIn=100000000
4 bwOut=20000000
5 latency=0
6 plr=0[/font]
= urlBlast.ini [located in the same folder as the urlBlast exe, not the startup shortcut]
Startup Delay=30
Log File=c:\webpagetest\agent\urlblast
use current account=1
; Where to get work from
Url Files Url=http://my-ip/work/
Location Key=937845099[/font]
= wptdriver.ini [located in the same folder as the urlBlast and wptdriver exe’s]
exe=““C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe””
options=‘–load-extension=“%WPTDIR%\extension” --user-data-dir=“%PROFILE%” --new-window --no-proxy-server --no-first-run --no-default-browser-check --enable-experimental-extension-apis’
exe=“C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe”
options=‘-profile “%PROFILE%” -no-remote’