Ability to use google data studio to create reports or suggestions around data reporting

Is there a way to connect the webpagetest results to a google data studio instance?
Or how are teams collecting and reporting on data for a project that has multiple urls being tested.

For example some of our tests focus on:

  • A current production url vs a preproduction url… the customer site has been migrated over and we want to show a series of tests using a select batch of urls that are found in both instances.
  • We deploy version 1 to the pre-production site… version 2 is released… we want to ensure they are the same.
  • We want to be able to show both page performance results for a url and accessibility scores for each of the pages.

Thanks for any suggestions, ideas around this topic. today we are doing this manually… but hoping to figure out a good way to speed this up a bit more.

Hello Rob,

Please check this and let us know if it fits your use case.


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