I am trying to access a webpage from two different computers and the results were:
computer 1:
Page load time: 3.798 seconds
Time to first byte: 0.194 seconds
Time to Base Page Downloaded: 3.666 seconds
Time to Start Render: 0.018 seconds
Time to Document Complete: 3.798 seconds
Time to Fully Loaded: 3.798 seconds
Bytes sent out: 1.086 KB
Bytes received: 572.806 KB
Computer 2:
Page load time: 2.338 seconds
Time to first byte: 0.183 seconds
Time to Base Page Downloaded: 2.338 seconds
Time to Start Render: 2.473 seconds
Time to Document Complete: 2.338 seconds
Time to Fully Loaded: 2.338 seconds
Bytes sent out: 1.089 KB
Bytes received: 1.000 KB
What may be the difference between the two results…The Bytes Recieved for 1st computer is 572KB and the second one is 1KB. What does this mean…?
Is this using the desktop version or the web version?
Was the cache cleared on both machines when you tested (though even then 1KB seems low)?
Can you attach the test report for both?
Using the hosted (web) version tends to be a lot more deterministic because it doesn’t depend on the user to make sure the system is in a clean state before running a test. If both were from browsers with cleared caches then it’s also possible that the second machine has a compatibility problem of some kind (what OS’s were they running?).
This is using desktop version and the application is local (intranet) within out network and these two computers are from different locations within the same domain network. both the machines are Windows XP.
Can you upload the test report from both machines (or mail it to me at pmeenan@webpagetest.org)? You can save the report by going to File->Save Load Details…
Have you created the log for this … ?
Difference may be depended on the system configuration …
What connection do you use ? Dial up or anything else … what type Internet cable do you use …?