First view : More than 20 secs !

Just to prevent you : I have got a horrible level of English… Just as a prevention…

The test is showing me that the first view take 23.763s to load.
That is huge… I guess… It’s actually my first website so I don’t know.
I still have 96/100, and I used many site analyzer as Page Speed Online and others, and all of them showed me as this site great results ! So why is it that slow for the first view…

The problem I have is that my website needs MANY images (an hundred I think) and no, i can’t use sprite and CSS to avoid this big loading.
I heard of “Parallelize downloads across hostnames”, but how does it work exactly, and is it really helpful for me ? I understood the point of this (the browser which load only 6 things at the same time) but I didn’t understand what to do to correct it.

The other problem is this : Keep-alive Enabled → F. I’m on a mutualized hosting, so I don’t have the power to restart the server or even activate Keep-Alive. But on my host, which is infomaniak, doesn’t say anything about it.

Oh and I activated a cache for the static content, but I still receive a F… Why ? (Repeat View = 1.114s).

If somebody could help me… Thank You.

Link of the results :

Hi Fanboss,

The tested page has more than 100 files. The “Keep Alive” disabled costs you about 145 milliseconds for every one of your files.

100 files x 140 milliseconds = 14 seconds!

If your current hosting company is unable or unwilling to enable “Keep Alive” for you, consider looking for a new host for the website.

If your hosting company won’t enable keep-alives and you don’t want to change providers (though you really should vote with your wallet), you can use a CDN in front of your site and they can take care of it for you. CloudFlare has a free offering that might work for your site.

For the static file caching, if it is less than 30 days it will get a warning and it looks like yours are set for 7 days which is causing the issue with the check (your headers are working fine, they just aren’t as long as I would normally recommend). This one isn’t NEARLY as critical as the keep-alives.

I contacted my hosting company about the keep-alive function.

I already tried CouldFare… But I can’t rename the servers, as I’m on mutualized hosting.

Ok for the cache problem, I understand, but I prefer to leave it at 7 days. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help ! :slight_smile: