have a correct start render on a seconde page


I want to automate tests on a page I cant be sure about the URL. My take was to navigate on a homepage then click on one of the link to get the page, something like this :

logData 0 navigate http://www.promovacances.com/ logData 1 execAndWait document.querySelector('#bonsplans .produit .desti a').click();
It works well, but what I want is to monitor the first render time of the second page, and all agents keep showing a near 0 number.
So I tried to cheat WPT agent by having a white screen for the first page

logData 0 navigate http://www.promovacances.com/ document.querySelector('body').style.cssText = 'display:none'; logData 1 execAndWait document.querySelector('#bonsplans .produit .desti a').click();

that works on Chrome : http://www.webpagetest.org/results.php?test=130214_QH_5f9a6efcdfcfcec18809d524e9bb644f
my start render is around 1 s, and the filmstrip view is correct

but not on IE8 : http://www.webpagetest.org/result/130214_RJ_ace2e580f59becfbc5d3c60c021fa728/1/details/

Bug #1 : My start render is near 0

Bug #2 : the filmstrip view displays the wrong image (looks like the final screenshot of the previous page) instead of the 2nd page loading like on Chrome.

Note that both tests have been made from a private instance (WPT 2.9, I guess agents are up to date too) and exported.

Bug #3 : When I try the same script on public WPT (Dulles and ireland), even Chrome has the stripview bug and the near 0 start render : http://www.webpagetest.org/video/compare.php?tests=130214_DG_4207135ebb36cb83d8a12619efceedcb%2C130214_V5_57b6fa5ba2043b39d3869e7c3cfe2928%2C130214_T7_71a03d1120b6240539abb778192d985f%2C130214_WG_f5ccf58fd913297a7b61e55a36f1c5f7&thumbSize=200&ival=500&end=visual

Anything you can do to fix this ? or have a workaround ?