Header details messed up on a multi step user journey

Whilst trying a multi step user journey on WPT, I observed something weird. Please see below:

navigate www.bbc.co.uk
execAndWait document.querySelector(‘.orb-nav-sport a’).click()

Now to reproduce the issue, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to http://www.webpagetest.org/result/140908_JW_1d1556f343a879585eafa5aaf0ef6d3a/1/details/#request
  2. Click on ‘Request #1

Only the Details tab shows correct results. Both the other tabs (Request and Response headers) are incorrect. Is it a known issue?

Workaround solution:
use combineSteps - http://www.webpagetest.org/result/140908_FZ_4df771104a30df04b9ccea91ef9845f0/1/details/

Initial Post:


Hasn’t been looked at yet but it’s on my radar.