HomePage Test

Hi Team,
I want to test a page (WelComeHome.aspx) immediate load after the successful login(Login.aspx).

Can any one suggest me how can we write a script for the same.


It’s hard to say without seeing the exact page but the script would look something like this:

logdata	0
navigate	https://<server>/Login.aspx
setValue	id=loginId	something
setValue	id=password	some password
logdata	1
submitForm	id=loginform

Instead of the setValue commands you can also use javascript with the exec command and instead of submit you can use execAndWait. The actual form fields and values will depend on the site you are testing.

Thanks Patrick for the reply

We tried the script given below, but we are not getting the desired result.
Can you please tell that loginid and password field in id=loginId, do we have to enter text label of that field. Also, is loginform name of login page or the text label for the same?


You need to open the page you are trying to test with dev tools and see what the form field names are for the form you are trying to automate. I can’t tell you what they are because I have no idea what site you’re trying to test.

Dear Patrick

We entered the script given below for our URL : https://faw.adityabirlamoney.com/login.aspx so that it by passes the login screen. We did not get the desired outcome.

[color=#FF0000]logData 0
// bring up the login screen
navigate https://faw.adityabirlamoney.com
logData 1
// log in
setValue name=txtLogin bw122301
setValue name=txtPassWord Hsbc1234$4
submitForm name=Form1[/color]

Test Result Page:

Kindly revert at the earliest.

The test is gone. In the future you can check the “private” box in the advanced settings which will give you a non-guessable test ID and it won’t show up in the test history.