Need help about the Video

The Video shows not the same as my script.

This is my test result link:

sript are list below:
setDOMElement name=user_id
setValue name=user_id teacher000000001
setValue name=password pass
setDOMElement innerText=Add Module
clickAndWait tabindex=3

I has 2 pages on the script,
one login page, it will show by navigate
another is Institution page, it will show after I input the user id & password, and click Login

The script runs well on destop version.
When I run the script on, it complete successfully.

The question is when I see the videos(,
why it will show the login page again after it show Institution page? thanks.

You need a “logdata 0” and “logdata 1” block around the first navigation so it doesn’t get captured. The video (and WebPagetest UI) only know how to work with a single step so you need to structure your scripts so that only one step is recorded. The sample here shows what you need to do:

You are seeing the 2 videos essentially interleaved because it doesn’t know what to do with the results.



Thanks for your help.The video is OK now.