How does wpt find test results?

I am migrating my private instance to a new server and i’m trying to keep all the history, logs, test results, etc.

  • The old server has archived all test results to S3
  • i configured the new server to point at the same S3 server/bucket
  • I have copied …/www/logs/*

I can now see the test history (thanks to the files in www/logs) but when i open any tests that I know are in S3, it says “test not found

The test does not exist in …/www/results on the new server, nor do any of the related directories because the test never lived on the new server …

I assumed it was something like this:

  • request test result in the GUI
  • wpt looks for it in the log files (in …/www/logs) to see if it’s valid
  • if it is, wpt looks in the …/www/results/YY/MM/DD/… folder
  • if it’s not there, wpt checks settings.ini for the type of archiving
  • wpt pulls if from the archive (archive_directory or S3)
  • then unzips it and shows it in the GUI

Am I forgetting something?

… tips/tricks?

This was my own mistake! I didn’t make the changes that i submitted in my own pull request! (Support for S3 path-style URLs by mverkerk-godaddy · Pull Request #843 · WPO-Foundation/webpagetest · GitHub) … doh!
In any case, I got it working and it seems to work as described in my initial post…