HTTP status 405 on local fonts

In reference to this test… I’m getting some http status code 405 errors. I don’t run into these with GTMetrix or from Chrome or Firefox locally. If you look at all the fonts that are being called in and receiving that 405 error, you’ll note that the woff2, woff, and ttf versions are being pulled in, too. This is not how the browser will actually process the fonts, so how can I fix these 405s?

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FYI, the 405 is being returned because WPT is using OPTIONS as the request method instead of GET.

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WPT isn’t doing anything. It runs Chrome and records whatever Chrome does. You can turn on the netlog capture if you want the full gory details.

I’m guessing the OPTIONS request has something to do with the fonts being crossorigin and however they are being requested - though I don’t usually see OPTIONS requests for fonts.

sec-fetch-site: cross-site
sec-fetch-mode: cors

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Thanks Patrick.

In your response you said:

sec-fetch-site: cross-site
sec-fetch-mode: cors

I’m assuming those are some kind of configuration directives. Can you tell me what they will do for me?

Thanks again.


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Sorry. Those are request headers that Chrome sends that indicate a crossorigin request.

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