Waterfall shows woff2 and woff for same font

This test shows that *.woff2 files were requested, followed by *.woff for the same fonts. I do not see this running locally in Chrome or Firefox network tab. I’ve never seen this before in waterfall. ’
Is this just a result of cors b/c the page is running on different domain than the fonts?


When loading your page I get the following error:
Access to font at ‘https://www.rinvoqhcp.com/content/dam/upahcp/fonts/graphik/Graphik-Medium-Web.woff2’ from origin ‘https://eb7423958fd4b5940d6c-3be8ec99af317529846f9991dc4c9b02.ssl.cf5.rackcdn.com’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.
Try to look into CORS at the rinvoqhcp.com host.

I thought that WPT was sending headers to avoid that issue, ala the Chrome extension. I’ll have to see if that can be done from the Custom Headers

WPT itself doesn’t. If you want to test without CORS you can add the command line “–disable-web-security” in the “Chromium” tab where you can add command-line params.

That’s assuming the test page will eventually be on the same origin (or covered by the CORS policy) of the fonts.

Tried with and without quotes, but I got as soon as the test started.
Invalid command-line option: “–disable-web-security”

Probably a formatting thing. Try " --disable-web-security" rather than “–”

Yep, that was it. Thanks!