Hello All,
I’ve got some problems with configuring Webpagetest private instance version 2.16.
WPT is running on dedicted Linux Ubuntu (14.04) machine with FFMPEG compiled.
/install page says everything is okay.
Agent (WPT driver) is running on separate Windows 2012 standard server with AviSynth and DUMMYNET ipfw driver installed.
/getLocations.php and /install says Agent is connected.
I’m also seeing WPTdriver polling the server in Apache logs like this:
GET /work/getwork.php?shards=1&reboot=1&location=Local-WPTDriver&software=wpt&version=… HTTP/1.1" 200 0 “-” “WebPagetest Driver”
Every time I submit a test, some files are generated in /tmp folder:
- 4aa3cd379a49804e3fb99ee6825e0972ed440eea.queue.gz
last-test-Local-WPTDriver-WPTAGENT-IP.test - Local-WPTDriver.tests
Local-WPTDriver.tm - wpt_cron.dat
There are also folders created according to Location name in /work/jobs, but directory stays empty.
Error message on WPT after submitting a test:
The testing completed but failed.
Failed to launch the browser
It looks like for some reason the jobqueue is not getting filled, (/work/jobs), so agent doesn’t find any jobs to process.
It’s hard to debug, I can’t find any specific errors that point in the right direction. Tried debug=1 , strace, Xdebug etc.
I’ve also tried different locations.ini files (did only some location name changes) I found on the Net but gave same results.
Please help! Thnx!
.Ini files below:
Time Limit=120
;Automatically install and update support software (Flash, Silverlight, etc)
exe=“C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe”
options=‘–load-extension=“%WPTDIR%\extension” --user-data-dir=“%PROFILE%” --no-proxy-server’
exe=“C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe”
options=‘-profile “%PROFILE%” -no-remote’
exe=“C:\Program Files\Safari\Safari.exe”
exe=“C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe”[/code]
; These are the top-level locations that are listed in the location dropdown
; Each one points to one or more browser configurations
; These are the browser-specific configurations that match the configurations
; defined in the top-level locations. Each one of these MUST match the location
; name configured on the test agent (urlblast.ini or wptdriver.ini)
; For a wptdriver configuration (chrome, firefox), the browser labels here
; MUST match the labels used in wptdriver.ini