I’m trying to optimize my website. Its custom made, uses phpBB-like code and structure, but the code is newly written and optimised, both on php and mysql side.
The webserver is Lighttpd, via fastcgi running php-fcgi v5.3
I see big lag between the DNS lookup and the first bytes being sent, as seen here
yes, im using lighttpd - php-fastcgi - APC in the chain …
yesterday, I moved the DNS to reliable company (until then the DNS was hosted on the same server as the web, and as it seems, secondary was not working, so the DNS resolve might be long) so I will see if it makes any difference (i guess it shouldnt take as much as 0.5 second to do DNS resolve …)
im currently working on caching the pages to harddrive to reduce the PHP processing time and serve as much content static as possible.