Looking for help optimizing our site

It’s as simple as it sounds :slight_smile: or not?

We are looking for a developer who can help us with our site. Here are the results from WPT: http://www.webpagetest.org/result/150928_43_1B48/1/details/

If this sounds like you, shoot an email to konstantin(at)videosharks(dot)com with your ideas/pricing/website and anything else that would help :slight_smile:

Thank you. :heart:

Well, there’s not a huge lot that you can do further: W3 total cache could be better configured by the look of it, and use of a CDN may help. Enabling expires headers will improve subsequent accesses to the site by caching files in the local browser.

You can look at resampling a few images and either fix the code looking for missing files or create them, but after that it’s looking at what you can throw away.

The real problem is the performance of third party services which is hampering your overall score, and only the choice of whether to use them or not is under your control.

I could suggest migrating to a nginx/php-fpm solution, but I don’t think you’d notice the difference.