No result at all after optimization

We have run the test a few times. On our first site the results were very impressive, so we were really keen to know the outcome of the second site.

However whatever we did it always took ages (from starting the actual test more than 10 minutes) and the result was always: no details for the speed up only the before results.

The accompanying video showed the site coming up partially and the optimzed sit never even after the 60 second run time.

The results are to be found here:

Clueless at the moment.

The Page Speed Service only supports http and it looks like your page is a mix of http and https both coming from the same domain. The https requests failed and caused the test to timeout.

FWIW, it looks like you are just loading the video player and some static resources over https - if you can load those over http for non-encrypted pages it should be faster in general (and allow you to test as well).


Thanks a lot for pointing this out in detail. Time to have a decent conversation with the external WP builder we hired for that job! The https were not even in the briefing!

We will continu with other test of sites of ours and make sure we can test this one again when it´s rewritten.