Hi all,
I am using WPT 2.16 and trying to get URL capture. My understanding is that the video rendering is server-side and I have enableVideo=1 configured in setttings.ini
After running the install check, it is reported that no test agents are configured for video. I am currently use wptdriver only. Do I need to still configure urlblast even in video processing was moved to the server in 2.16? Or am I misinterpreting something. I am not sure where to look. Many thanks to anyone that can offer guidance. Result of /install is as follows:
WebPagetest 2.16 Installation Check
PHP version at least 5.3: 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.15
GD Module Installed: yes
FreeType enabled for GD (required for video rendering): yes
zip Module Installed: yes
zlib Module Installed: yes
curl Module Installed: yes
php.ini allow_url_fopen enabled: yes
APC Installed: yes
SQLite Installed (for editable test labels): yes
php.ini upload_max_filesize > 10MB: 10M
php.ini post_max_size > 10MB: 10M
php.ini memory_limit > 256MB or -1 (disabled): -1
System Utilities
ffmpeg Installed (required for video): yes
ffmpeg Installed with scale and decimate filters(required for mobile video): Not Detected,scale (optional)
imagemagick compare Installed (required for mobile video): yes
jpegtran Installed (required for JPEG Analysis): yes
exiftool Installed (required for JPEG Analysis): yes
{docroot}/tmp writable: yes
{docroot}/dat writable: yes
{docroot}/results writable: yes
{docroot}/work/jobs writable: yes
{docroot}/work/video writable: yes
{docroot}/logs writable: yes
{docroot}/tmp on tmpfs: NO (optional)
Test Locations
No test agents are configured to render video
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