No video in 2.16

Hi all,

I am using WPT 2.16 and trying to get URL capture. My understanding is that the video rendering is server-side and I have enableVideo=1 configured in setttings.ini

After running the install check, it is reported that no test agents are configured for video. I am currently use wptdriver only. Do I need to still configure urlblast even in video processing was moved to the server in 2.16? Or am I misinterpreting something. I am not sure where to look. Many thanks to anyone that can offer guidance. Result of /install is as follows:

WebPagetest 2.16 Installation Check

PHP version at least 5.3: 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.15
GD Module Installed: yes
FreeType enabled for GD (required for video rendering): yes
zip Module Installed: yes
zlib Module Installed: yes
curl Module Installed: yes
php.ini allow_url_fopen enabled: yes
APC Installed: yes
SQLite Installed (for editable test labels): yes
php.ini upload_max_filesize > 10MB: 10M
php.ini post_max_size > 10MB: 10M
php.ini memory_limit > 256MB or -1 (disabled): -1

System Utilities

ffmpeg Installed (required for video): yes
ffmpeg Installed with scale and decimate filters(required for mobile video): Not Detected,scale (optional)
imagemagick compare Installed (required for mobile video): yes
jpegtran Installed (required for JPEG Analysis): yes
exiftool Installed (required for JPEG Analysis): yes


{docroot}/tmp writable: yes
{docroot}/dat writable: yes
{docroot}/results writable: yes
{docroot}/work/jobs writable: yes
{docroot}/work/video writable: yes
{docroot}/logs writable: yes
{docroot}/tmp on tmpfs: NO (optional)

Test Locations

No test agents are configured to render video

Home : Home
    Home-WPTDriver : Home Office - 1 agents connected

What happens when you actually try to create a video in a test?

My install of 2.16 renders video ok

Only difference with your install is

ffmpeg Installed with scale and decimate filters(required for mobile video): 1.2.6-7:1.2.6-1~trusty1,scale,decimate

Mine also shows “No Test Agents are Configured to Render Video” but I’m pretty sure this message was removed after 2.16 was released

I think I got it working. That was the clue.

So, here’s the way I think it works. First, the “No test agents are configured to render video” messages is still there in 2.16. I added an agent for that through URLBlast, but still could not get video.

I could not get far enough into the code, but I am guessing that the server-side rendering engine that was used for mobile is now used for all video(?) Therefore, if ffmpg is not configured ALONG WITH the appropriate filters, it will not work. It’s a guess.

Anyway, on the same machine (Ubuntu 12.04), I rebuilt ffmpeg. After that, /install shows the following:

WebPagetest 2.16 Installation Check


PHP version at least 5.3: 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.15
GD Module Installed: yes
FreeType enabled for GD (required for video rendering): yes
zip Module Installed: yes
zlib Module Installed: yes
curl Module Installed: yes
php.ini allow_url_fopen enabled: yes
APC Installed: yes
SQLite Installed (for editable test labels): yes
php.ini upload_max_filesize > 10MB: 10M
php.ini post_max_size > 10MB: 10M
php.ini memory_limit > 256MB or -1 (disabled): -1
System Utilities

ffmpeg Installed (required for video): yes
ffmpeg Installed with scale and decimate filters(required for mobile video): git-2015-02-10-8d5a850,mpdecimate (optional)
imagemagick compare Installed (required for mobile video): yes
jpegtran Installed (required for JPEG Analysis): yes
exiftool Installed (required for JPEG Analysis): yes

{docroot}/tmp writable: yes
{docroot}/dat writable: yes
{docroot}/results writable: yes
{docroot}/work/jobs writable: yes
{docroot}/work/video writable: yes
{docroot}/logs writable: yes
{docroot}/tmp on tmpfs: NO (optional)
Test Locations

Video rendering is supported

Home : Home
Home-WPTDriver : Home Office - 1 agents connected
Home-URLBlast : Home Office - IE 8 - 1 agents connected

Note the change:

ffmpeg Installed with scale and decimate filters(required for mobile video): git-2015-02-10-8d5a850,mpdecimate (optional)

After this, I re-ran some of the same tests are the video is working well. I have not fully walked through the functionality, but so far, so good.

Thanks for the help!

It looks like the issue is that the ffmpeg that comes with Ubuntu normally does not have lib x264 compiled-in and that is needed for server-side rendering. I have added a check for that post-2.16 which will hopefully help in tracking down the issue.