Node.js. Works, but empty data.

Hi Pat,

I’m running a note.js agent on Ubuntu Linux and it’s able to proccess the jobs and run the tests but the raw page data and the screenshots are empty.
Could you help me? Thanks!

The output of node.js is:

./ -s -l NodeJS_Chrome
node src/agent_main --serverUrl --location NodeJS_Chrome --browser browser_local_chrome.BrowserLocalChrome --chromedriver /home/wpt/webpagetest-WebPagetest-2.12/lib/webdriver/chromedriver/Linux x86_64/chromedriver-26.0.1383.0 --seleniumJar /home/wpt/webpagetest-WebPagetest-2.12/lib/webdriver/java/selenium-standalone-r17891.jar
I 0801Z19:25:21.956 wpt_client.js:289 Client.requestNextJob_ : Get work:

I 0801Z19:25:42.039 wpt_client.js:333 Client.processJobResponse_ : Got job: {“client_”:{“domain”:null,"events":{},“maxListeners":10,"baseUrl”:{“protocol”:“http:”,“slashes”:true,“auth”:null,“host”:“”,“port”:null,“hostname”:“”,“hash”:null,“search”:null,“query”:null,“pathname”:“/”,“path”:“/”,“href”:“"},“location_”:“NodeJS_Chrome”,“jobTimeout”:80000},“task”:{"Test ID”:“130801_A1_e37d7e0793597a0621c74347b75afc4e”,“url”:“”,“fvonly”:1,“timeline”:1,“Capture Video”:1,“runs”:1,“bwIn”:0,“bwOut”:0,“latency”:0,“plr”:0,“orientation”:“default”},“id”:“130801_A1_e37d7e0793597a0621c74347b75afc4e”,“captureVideo”:true,“runs”:1,“runNumber”:1,“isFirstViewOnly”:true,“isCacheWarm”:false,“resultFiles”:[],“zipResultFiles”:{}}
I 0801Z19:25:42.040 agent_main.js:172 Agent.startJobRun
: Running job 130801_A1_e37d7e0793597a0621c74347b75afc4e run 1/1 cacheWarm=false
I 0801Z19:25:42.301 browser_local_chrome.js:44 new BrowserLocalChrome : BrowserLocalChrome(/home/wpt/webpagetest-WebPagetest-2.12/lib/webdriver/chromedriver/Linux x86_64/chromedriver-26.0.1383.0, undefined)
I 0801Z19:25:42.365 process_utils.js:420 unknown : Spawning: chrome ‘-remote-debugging-port=1234’ --enable-benchmarking
E 0801Z19:25:42.780 process_utils.js:426 Socket. : chrome STDERR: [1591:1613:0801/] Failed to get name owner. Got org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get owner of name ‘org.chromium.Mtpd’: no such name
W 0801Z19:25:42.784 browser_local_chrome.js:131 Socket. : WD STDERR: [1591:1613:0801/] Failed to get name owner. Got org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get owner of name ‘org.chromium.Mtpd’: no such name
E 0801Z19:25:42.785 process_utils.js:426 Socket. : chrome STDERR: [1591:1613:0801/] Failed to get name owner. Got org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get owner of name ‘org.chromium.Mtpd’: no such name
W 0801Z19:25:42.786 browser_local_chrome.js:131 Socket. : WD STDERR: [1591:1613:0801/] Failed to get name owner. Got org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get owner of name ‘org.chromium.Mtpd’: no such name
E 0801Z19:25:42.874 process_utils.js:426 Socket. : chrome STDERR: [1591:1591:0801/] Failed to call method: org.chromium.Mtpd.EnumerateStorages: object_path= /org/chromium/Mtpd: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.chromium.Mtpd was not provided by any .service files
W 0801Z19:25:42.876 browser_local_chrome.js:131 Socket. : WD STDERR: [1591:1591:0801/] Failed to call method: org.chromium.Mtpd.EnumerateStorages: object_path= /org/chromium/Mtpd: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.chromium.Mtpd was not provided by any .service files
I 0801Z19:25:43.534 wd_server.js:288 WebDriverServer.onDevToolsMessage_ : #DevTools message: {“method”:“Page.loadEventFired”,“params”:{“timestamp”:1375385143.467708}}
E 0801Z19:25:43.670 process_utils.js:426 Socket. : chrome STDERR: [1591:1617:0801/] Couldn’t open plugin channel
W 0801Z19:25:43.672 browser_local_chrome.js:131 Socket. : WD STDERR: [1591:1617:0801/] Couldn’t open plugin channel
I 0801Z19:25:43.697 wd_server.js:288 WebDriverServer.onDevToolsMessage_ : #DevTools message: {“method”:“Page.loadEventFired”,“params”:{“timestamp”:1375385143.688098}}
E 0801Z19:25:44.343 process_utils.js:426 Socket. : chrome STDERR: [1591:1591:0801/] Unsupported image depth 16
W 0801Z19:25:44.345 browser_local_chrome.js:131 Socket. : WD STDERR: [1591:1591:0801/] Unsupported image depth 16
I 0801Z19:25:44.361 wd_server.js:337 WebDriverServer. : Test started
I 0801Z19:25:48.979 wd_server.js:288 WebDriverServer.onDevToolsMessage_ : DevTools message: {“method”:“Page.loadEventFired”,“params”:{“timestamp”:1375385148.978483}}
I 0801Z19:25:48.984 wd_server.js:779 WebDriverServer. : Test finished, waiting for browser to coalesce
I 0801Z19:25:59.011 wd_server.js:815 WebDriverServer.done_ : Test run succeeded
W 0801Z19:25:59.015 wd_server.js:916 WebDriverServer.scheduleStop : driver is unset, will not call quit()
E 0801Z19:25:59.033 process_utils.js:426 Socket. : chrome STDERR: [1591:1591:0801/] Unsupported image depth 16
W 0801Z19:25:59.034 browser_local_chrome.js:131 Socket. : WD STDERR: [1591:1591:0801/] Unsupported image depth 16
W 0801Z19:25:59.189 wd_server.js:288 WebDriverServer.onDevToolsMessage_ : DevTools message: {“method”:“Inspector.detached”}
W 0801Z19:25:59.191 wd_server.js:317 WebDriverServer.onDevToolsMessage_ : Inspector.detached after Page.loadEventFired?
I 0801Z19:25:59.226 wd_server.js:736 WebDriverServer. : The main application has gone idle, history:
I 0801Z19:25:59.477 browser_local_chrome.js:120 BrowserLocalChrome. : WD EXIT code 0 signal null
I 0801Z19:25:59.501 agent_main.js:107 Agent. : wd_server child process exit code 0 signal null
A 0801Z19:25:59.529 wpt_client.js:384 Client.finishRun_ : Finished run 1/1 (isRunFinished=true) of job 130801_A1_e37d7e0793597a0621c74347b75afc4e
I 0801Z19:26:00.963 wpt_client.js:289 Client.requestNextJob_ : Get work:

Running the Node.js agent on CentOS 6 I get the screenshots and the HAR data, but the CSV data stay empty. Would it be a bug? Anyone here is using Node.js?

Thank you!

Sorry, the csv data isn’t created by the server in the case of the NodeJS agents right now. It shouldn’t be too hard to create, it’s just a passthrough of the raw agent data for the existing windows agents and would just need to be generated on the fly. All of the same data should be available in the json and XML interfaces if you’re scripting it.

I created an issue to generate the csv’s on-demand for the agents that don’t currently report it: CSV data not available for non-windows agents · Issue #104 · WPO-Foundation/webpagetest · GitHub

Thanks Pat! Screenshots and XML interface is enough for me now.