Not able to gather metrics for a full test scenario

Hi Team,

We created a script for a test scenario involving functions like setValue and submitForm.Scenario had nearly 7 urls .The test executed successfully.But we werent able to view the test results for all the url requests. All we could see is the metrics of login and logout pages.

When we tried to view the raw page data we found all the list of urls but except login and logout other urls showed “0” value for load time and Time to First Byte (ms) etc.

we noticed this on our private instance. To confirm the behavior we did the same thing on a public instance and we could all the values for all the urls being executed. Could you please let us know what are we missing over here to get the complete data.

Test Agents are updated to the latest one.


It’s really hard to say without knowing more about the test. Generally right now WPT only “supports” recording a single step in a multi-step sequence or combining everything into a single measurement. The measurements for a bunch of individual steps sort of works because it was supported by pagetest before WPT existed but it hasn’t received much love.

What browser and location on the public instance did you use and were you using urlblast or wptdriver in your private instance?

Hi Meenan,

Thanks for your response. But we were able to gather the metrics for all the urls(steps) in a test scenario while executing the script in a public instance.
