Pb with specific location

Since september last year, we are monitoring our website perfs using webpagetest (Strasburg_FR Location). All went right until 3 weeks ago when we started to receive “Invalid location” response.

We checked everything and we can’t figure how come we get those “Invalid location” response, specialy because

I’m totaly aware i could switch to others locations but Strasburg_FR is kind of our baseline and we’d like to keep it that way if that location is still open for tests.

Any Help on that matter would be greatly appreciated.

Quick example below to reproduce the problem (I used RESTED for Firefox)

Working Example
REQUEST : http://www.webpagetest.org/runtest.php?k=MY_VALID_API_KEY&f=json&url=www.google.com&location=ec2-eu-central-1

Not Working Example
REQUEST : http://www.webpagetest.org/runtest.php?k=MY_VALID_API_KEY&f=json&url=www.google.com&location=Strasburg_FR
“statusCode”: 400,
“statusText”: “Invalid Location, please try submitting your test request again.”