runtest.php-initiated test doesn't complete

I’m probably missing something, so some handholding needed here :slight_smile:

Here’s my API call (directly in the browser):

UI seems as if the test is running fine, but it never completes. I got timeout eventually. Here’s the test result URL:

Same parameters for a test entered in the UI ran fine.

Additional questions:
[]time param is not documented, but I guessed it from the new test from element name. Is it valid?
]I have “no repeat, single run”. Any additional params that will make it easy on the server? “Forget screenshot”, etc?

Location should be Dulles_IE8 and it looks like the url parameter could do with a bit of urlencoding (the location is probably what is breaking you though).

cool! that worked. Also Dulles:Chrome was fine which is what I tried initially but maybe did something wrong

1 jsperf bookmarklet coming your way then :slight_smile:

Yeah, sorry - the IE locations have a slightly different format (legacy code that I’m eventually going to deprecate). Glad to hear it’s working!

good stuff. Here’s the bookmarklet: bookmarklet to send a jsperf test to all webpagetest's IEs · GitHub

I often use to get the location names when I’m using the API.

I’m randomly getting these type of test results as well. Everything from the webservice side says it’s good, but no results are returned.

After the post we get this:

“statusCode”: 200,
“statusText”: “Ok”,
“data”: {
“testId”: “130215_7V_KQ1”,
“ownerKey”: “REMOVED”,
“jsonUrl”: “”,
“xmlUrl”: “”,
“userUrl”: “”,
“summaryCSV”: “”,
“detailCSV”: “

For the final test result I get this:

“statusCode”: 200,
“statusText”: “Test Complete”,
“data”: {
“statusCode”: 200,
“statusText”: “Test Complete”,
“testId”: “130215_7V_KQ1”,
“runs”: 1,
“fvonly”: 0,
“remote”: false,
“testsExpected”: 2,
“location”: “Dulles”,
“startTime”: “02/15/13 17:00:23”,
“elapsed”: 21,
“completeTime”: “02/15/13 17:00:38”,
“testsCompleted”: 2

Yet there’s nothing returned when I get the data. Well almost nothing, I get this:

It has only happened about 4 or 5 times out of around 250 or so calls to the service.