I’ve set up webpagetest 2.5 on my Linux server pretty much out of the box. All of the required PHP and Apache modules are installed( according to php.info() ). I’m using the prepackaged AMI’s listed on the webpagtest.org website.
After launching the AIM instance, I eventually see the GET /work/getwork.php call as well a POST to /runtest.php once I enter a url in the testing page on my linux server, and then subsequent calls to GET /result/120213_5J_14/ , which I assume is my job, which is now constantly waiting for results and never getting them. There are no errors in wpt-error log.
; Tese are the browser-specific configurations that match the configurations
; defined in the top-level locations. Each one of these MUST match the location
; name configured on the test agent (urlblast.ini or wptdriver.ini)
; This is an exaple of a “remote” configuration where tests can be proxied to a remote
; webpagetest instance. The test will be run by the remote server but the results
; will be downloaded to the local server and deleted from the remote agent
; Each location that you want to use from the remote server needs to be configured
; individually on the local configuration (location names do not need to match)
; To use the public webpagetest.org instance you will need an API key
browser=IE 8
label=“WebPagetest.org Dulles, VA - IE8”
Here’s my request sequence
[php] - - [14/Feb/2012:09:24:56 -0500] “GET /work/getwork.php?video=1&location=Test_loc&key=&ec2=i-4d4a0928&pc=PAGEST-IE8&ver=304 HTTP/1.1” 200 378 “-” “urlblast” - - [14/Feb/2012:09:25:02 -0500] “POST /runtest.php HTTP/1.1” 302 466 “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.11 Safari/535.19” - - [14/Feb/2012:09:25:02 -0500] “GET /result/120214_XB_6/ HTTP/1.1” 200 2224 “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.11 Safari/535.19”
The locations look to me to match, unless I’m misreading. I’m not using any keys atm, just trying to get it up and running. I don’t have to use a key, correct?
When I fire up the ami via the EC2 command line tools, I’m passing this, including the quotes, into the AMI data string “wpt_server=webmonitor.chickenkiller.com wpt_location=Test_loc”
and I’m passing Test in as my wpt_location to the ami.
IE 9 has the same problem as before, waiting at the front of the queue, probably because the GET call to getwork.php looks like - - [14/Feb/2012:12:46:02 -0500] "GET /work/getwork.php?location=Test_wptdriver&software=wpt&ver=21&pc=IP-0A02B528&ec2=i-9b4c0efe HTTP/1.1" 200 378 "-" "WebPagetest Driver"
and it’s calling the Test_wptdriver location , rather than both Test and Test_wptdriver. Can one AMI use all 3 browsers or is my setup simply wrong? Chrome and Firefox claim they’re testing, but return “The test completed but there were no successful results.” after a few minutes.
All of the IE9/Chrome/Firefox ami’s don’t exist except for us-east, btw.
You should have 2 sets of get requests from the IE9/Chrome/Firefox agent. IE9 will request the location as specified in the user data and the Chrome/Firefox agent will append _wptdriver to the location name.
I just created the AMI’s this past weekend and they are mostly meant for the upcoming 2.6 release but IE should work fine. If you search “All Images” and search by AMI ID you should find them - I just tried out the image in Ireland from another account and it came up in a search.
The listing is up to date. I’ve never used that search method, I usually go to:
aws console
Select region
Select “AMIs” under images
viewing → All Images
Search → ami-f97029bc
I can see it fine in the EC2 console under multiple accounts. I’m not sure why their other search method doesn’t list it (maybe because they have the same source name across all the regions).