Setting up benchmarks

A quick question on benchmarks which I couldn’t quite glean from the documentation… Using the sample AWS AMI, do I also need to set up a CRON job to hit cron.php, or is scheduling all ready to roll and its just a case of setting up the benchmarks?

It should just work. cron.php gets called every 5 minutes from async calls in work/getwork.php. Usually that requires test agents to be connected but I’m fairly certain that I added a cron job to tickle getwork on the AMI even when there are no test agents.

At the moment, the benchmarks only appear to run if there is an available test agent - they don’t cause a test agent to be spun up. In effect this means benchmarks don’t run when they are scheduled to.

Hmm, ok - I need to build an updated AMI that includes beanstalkd for handling huge work queues so I’ll make sure to get it fixed. Should hopefully have it today.

btw, sine you’re running a modified AMI already (configured for the benchmarks), you should be able to create a crontab job to run every 5 minutes that runs



I think I figured out what was going on while I was doing some other EC2 scaling changes and it should be fixed now (on the existing image). The cron job is running correctly and it was spinning up test agents but the user data it was using for the test agent was wrong (it was passing as the server IP instead of the actual server IP).

Yep, seems to working now. Thanks!