hi Patrick,
Thanks for the update.
As you said, there was a “_renderDT” field in the har output when I ran webpagetest locally sometime back (1 month) by fetching & using the top of repo code at that time.
But, on fetching & using the webpagetest code from top of repo of last week, I am not seeing this field???
Please shed some light.
har o/p for the tests are given below…
[size=x-small][quote]Older har o/p:
“pages”: [
“startedDateTime”: “1970-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00”,
“title”: “Run 1, First View for http://www.cnn.com/”,
“id”: “page_1_0”,
“pageTimings”: {
“onLoad”: 10264,
“onContentLoad”: -1,
“_startRender”: 0
“_loadTime”: 10264,
“_docTime”: 10264,
“_fullyLoaded”: 10975,
“_bytesOut”: 29632,
“_bytesOutDoc”: 27941,
“_bytesIn”: 1484133,
“_bytesInDoc”: 1392090,
“_requests”: 158,
“_requestsDoc”: 148,
“_responses_200”: 146,
“_responses_404”: 0,
“_responses_other”: 12,
“_result”: 0,
“_testStartOffset”: 0,
“_cached”: 0,
“_optimization_checked”: 0,
“_start_epoch”: 1392218081.3465,
“_URL”: “http://www.cnn.com/”,
“_TTFB”: 1001,
“_connections”: 55,
“_SpeedIndexDT”: 2195,
“_SpeedIndex”: 2195,
“_VisuallyCompleteDT”: 11205,
“_renderDT”: 34,
“_effectiveBps”: 148800,
“_effectiveBpsDoc”: 150285,
“_render”: 0,
“_domTime”: 0,
“_aft”: 0,
“_titleTime”: 0,
“_loadEventStart”: 0,
“_loadEventEnd”: 0,
“_domContentLoadedEventStart”: 0,
“_domContentLoadedEventEnd”: 0,
“_lastVisualChange”: 0,
“_server_rtt”: 0,
“_firstPaint”: 0
Newer har o/p:
“pages”: [
“startedDateTime”: “1970-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00”,
“title”: “Run 1, First View for http://www.news.google.co.in/”,
“id”: “page_1_0”,
“pageTimings”: {
“onLoad”: 10808,
“onContentLoad”: -1,
“_startRender”: 0
“_loadTime”: 10808,
“_docTime”: 10808,
“_fullyLoaded”: 21964,
“_bytesOut”: 11495,
“_bytesOutDoc”: 2680,
“_bytesIn”: 1118720,
“_bytesInDoc”: 650502,
“_requests”: 76,
“_requestsDoc”: 18,
“_responses_200”: 73,
“_responses_404”: 0,
“_responses_other”: 3,
“_result”: 0,
“_testStartOffset”: 0,
“_cached”: 0,
“_optimization_checked”: 0,
“_start_epoch”: 1393497259.5214,
“_URL”: “http://www.news.google.co.in/”,
“_TTFB”: 363,
“_connections”: 33,
“_effectiveBps”: 51790,
“_effectiveBpsDoc”: 62278,
“_render”: 0,
“_domTime”: 0,
“_aft”: 0,
“_titleTime”: 0,
“_loadEventStart”: 0,
“_loadEventEnd”: 0,
“_domContentLoadedEventStart”: 0,
“_domContentLoadedEventEnd”: 0,
“_lastVisualChange”: 0,
“_server_rtt”: 0,
“_firstPaint”: 0