Have an interesting result here where the ‘first interactive’ time seems to come WAY too early from looking at the ‘Page is Interactive’ graph.
That graph shows a lot of main thread blockage all the way past 50 seconds with no contiguous 5 second interval between the red lines. Here I’m assuming each red line is 100ms worth of main thread blockage and the definition of the TTI metric is 5 contiguous seconds of no blockage.
Here is another example: [url=https://www.webpagetest.org/result/190104_EW_4b3005c592d3936e6cc998b7bea0edff/9/details/#waterfall_view_step1]WebPageTest Test - WebPageTest Details
How can first interactive be at 32s?? Looking at the ‘Page is Interactive’ chart there is a ton of activity on the main thread between 30-45 seconds - there is no 5 second period of inactivity there - especially around 30 seconds.
How can this be??? thanks!!