In order to break up the video into filmstrips and generate a video for display, you’ll need a UrlBlast Agent on Windows. It’s that that does the video processing.
Pat is looking to move processing server-side in the near-future as it’s now the only reason you’d need a UrlBlast Agent.
Actually, urlblast is only used for going from filmstrip to rendered video.
The breaking up of the video is done on the server with ffmpeg and imagemagick. It requires a specific version of ffmpeg though (relies on some debug information to include the frame times while de-duping frames).
So why is this just mobile related? Tests run on the desktop windows agents show video and filmstrip just fine.
The server is running Centos 6 and again, this is just happening for mobile which runs from my mac. Desktop agents (windows based) work fine.
Desktop agents capture video as individual frames directly. Mobile uses on-device video capture support to capture the mp4 video and then takes care of breaking it up into the unique frames on the server.
What version information do you get on your server when you run “ffmpeg” from the shell?
btw, the plan is to move the video processing to the nodejs machine so the server isn’t a bottleneck. I’ll see if there is something in the newer ffmpeg releases that gives similar information about the stream to hopefully make it less brittle.
Using the built-in frame de-duplication in ffmpeg reduces the video processing overhead by at least an order of magnitude so it’s pretty critical. Unfortunately when the unique frames are output there’s no way to get the original time (they just come out in numbered sequence 1,2,3,etc). The debug information is used to reconstruct the original timestamp where each frame occurred.
Thanks Pat. I built my own ffmpeg on the server which didn’t work. Then I tried your version and it didn’t work.
What i mean by doesn’t work is existing tests that didn’t have filmstrips and wouldn’t play videos, still don’t. Are the filmstrips only created when the test is initially sent to the server?
Yes, the videos are only extracted on first upload. If you have video/reprocess.php on the server (not sure when I added it) you can force a video to be reprocessed by loading http:///video/reprocess.php&test=