Is there a cause for concern for the varying timings that the page was downloaded?
Also, I can’t help but notice getting a F grade for “Cache static content”. The analysis shows quite a number of image files that should be cached. Is this something I can “turn on” or change from my server side or has this anything to do with the user’s computer settings?
It looks like the middle test had slightly different content and loaded more requests before onload than the others 91 requests vs ~70. This could be because of differences in ads or timing on the page itself if there is javascript that rotates content or injects content (catching it before onload in one case). I wouldn’t worry about it too much but it’s probably worth understanding where it came from.
Yes, caching of static content is something you enable on the server but you should make sure it is suitable to do for your application before you do it. If you enable caching then user’s browsers will never ask for that file again so you can’t change the contents (usually more of a problem for css or javascript than for images). It looks like you are on an apache server so you could just drop a .htaccess file in your images directory that has something like this in it: