b) wptdriver.ini
this section was copied from template
The problem is that I still have the following message under http://server/install:
No test agents are configured to render video
xp : xp
IE : IE 8 - No Agents Connected
Other : Firefox - No Agents Connected
According to webserver logs, communication between server and client is ok:
xp - - [01/Dec/2012:13:44:37 -0800] “GET /work/getwork.php?location=xp&key=webpagetest&software=wpt&ver=85&pc=xp HTTP/1.1” 200 - “-” “WebPagetest Driver”
Yes, you can install the agent on your laptop though not for production testing if you plan to use your laptop at the same time unless you run it in a VM (the agent launches browsers that take over the desktop while testing is running).
You don’t. The agents connect to the server to poll for work. The “key” is only needed if you want to secure your web server to make sure other agents don’t connect to it or spoof results (probably not an issue for a private instance).
urlblast.ini has a server, location and locationkey that must match the server configuration in locations.ini (wptdriver.ini has another set for Chrome/Firefox testing).