Website test: error, failed to connect


I have just launched a site I want to finish optimising through the webpagetest analysis. Initially I was able to test the site fine, however since removing one of the two site calls being made ( and through the wordpress dashboard-general-wordpress/site address settings, I now am unable to test the site here.

The return I receive is, Error, failed to connect

The strange thing is that I can access the site’s frontend, backend and also test it from other platforms. I wonder what could be the issue here? Any ideas would be gratefully received as the breakdown from websitetest is excellent, and sorely missed right now.


When I get a full waterfall, the main theme’s style.css is showing as a 404 error. This is strange as the files can be accessed through the direct urls (note that site is using a child theme, and it is the main stylesheet that is showing the errors).

Any ideas why this might be happening?




This was a child theme issue. Using the theme developer’s custom child theme setup, as opposed to the Wordpress codex version, has resolved the 404 error.