Why I have repeated initial connection and SSL negotiation within same domain?

On the figure you can see 2 main domains content is downloaded from.

Domain 1 has repeated initial connection and SSL negotiation even various resources are on same domain, same server etc.

Domain 2 is from external content donor. All downloaded resources are images and have only one initial connection and SSL negotiation.

Why I have repeated initial connection and SSL negotiation within same domain (1)?

There are a bunch of possible reasons. SSL needs to be negotiated for every connection. When HTTP/2 is not being used browsers will open up to 6 parallel connections to each domain to get more parallelism. When HTTP/2 is being used that largely collapses down to 1 though there are still cases where a separate connection will be used for non-credentialed (anonymous) requests (fonts are the most common case though it’s possible that images referenced from css could fall into that bucket).

Currently site returns “HTTP/1.1 200 OK”. So basically, you say I should upgrade to HTTP/2. Ok, thank you for a hint, I will try.

What is your grade for “Keep-alive Enabled”? Keep alive keeps connections open so that the browser doesn’t close the connection and open a new one for the next resource on the same domain.